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Step 3. Things that happen

Writer: Teri Moore-AlexanderTeri Moore-Alexander

So after Gall bladder surgery there are so many things to learn. So many that you don't even know what to ask. One thing you may find is your belly begins to get larger.

Like other surgeries, it also involves a few complications as patients feel bloated. It is one of the unpleasant side effects of the body’s water retention when the gallbladder isn’t working properly. Post-surgery, it can be challenging to digest some fats, and over-the-counter medicines relieve it. However, eating a healthy diet with plenty of fiber and avoiding fatty and fried foods can help you to relieve bloating and gas,

Reasons Why The Stomach Gets Bigger After Gallbladder Surgery?

Gallbladder surgery is done when your surgeon suspects issues like gallstones and inflammation. Post-surgery of gallbladder removal, it is common for patients to experience that their stomach looks bigger. Some mild bloating, as well as swelling after gallbladder surgery, are normal and is expected. There are many reasons why many patients experience bigger stomachs after surgery. Some reasons are discussed below to help you understand it clearly :

  • The procedure involves the need for surgical gas to fill the stomach cavity. This is done to make it large enough to perform the procedure. However, every attempt is made to remove this gas from the body post-surgery, but some air remains left inside. This is the reason why patients experience uncomfortable bloating post-surgery. It is normal to have some swelling occur after the surgery, although it is an unpreventable effect but is temporary and completely manageable with the following recommendations.

  • Another reason to have a big stomach after surgery is that the gallbladder is located in the upper side of your abdomen, and it stores bile, a digestive fluid that helps break down the fat in food to eat. The stored bile is no longer available when the gallbladder has been removed. Because of this, the body needs to find another way to break down the fat, which leads to increased stomach size.

  • Another reason for the blogger’s stomach is the removal of the organ itself. The gallbladder is also linked with other organs, and when it is removed, the space it occupies can accuse the other organs of shifting and expanding, leading to a bigger stomach size.

Gallbladder surgery can also cause changes in the diet of patients. Post-surgery, you are advised to avoid high-fat foods as they are difficult to digest. This may lead to an increase in your stomach size as your body adjusts to the new diet.

How To Reduce The Stomach Size After Gallbladder Surgery?

There are a few things that you can do to reduce the stomach size post laparoscopic gallbladder surgery. You should avoid eating large meals and choose to consume frequent meals.

  • Avoid high-fat foods as they may be difficult to digest, and many cause bloating and discomfort.

  • Try to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly as it will help your stomach to digest it well and also help to reduce bloating.

  • It is best to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids on regular basis. It will help prevent constipation and keep your digestive system moving smoothly.

  •  You can also start doing exercises that can help to stimulate the digestive system. Before setting your exercise, consult with your surgeon to know when you can start with it.

If you are worried about the size of your stomach after laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, it is better to talk to your surgeon about it. They can help you determine if there is a problem or if you need any suggestions to tackle the situation. An increase in stomach size after the surgery is normal. There are a few things that you can do to minimize the changes, like eating smaller meals more often, avoiding high-fat foods, and exercising regularly.

Mild swelling and bloating after gallbladder surgery are normal. The procedure requires surgical gas to fill the stomach cavity to make it large enough for the surgeon to perform the procedure. While every attempt is made to remove as much of this gas from the body at the end of the surgery, some air remains left inside. As a result, patients experience uncomfortable bloating in their stomachs.

It is normal for some swelling to occur right after gallbladder surgery. Although it’s an unpreventable effect of the procedure, it is temporary and completely manageable with the following recommendations. In most cases, most traces of swelling are gone within several weeks after surgery.

Dress for comfort –Avoid tight, thick clothing that restricts air circulation or physical movement. Surgical bloating is already uncomfortable enough without the added discomfort of wearing clothing that’s too tight for comfort.

Rest up and often – Your recovery is what you make of it. It’s critical for you to rest, especially during the first few days home. Fatigue and decreased energy levels are common from the blood loss and toll of gallbladder surgery.

Exercise and stay active – Fatigue and decreased energy levels are common right after any surgical procedure, so it’s important to rest as often as needed. However, it’s critical not to confuse getting proper rest as a means to neglect some light amount of physical activity.

Movement and exercise enable the body to function better and help hasten gallbladder surgery recovery. After the first 24 hours, patients should reintegrate some routine physical activity like short walks into their daily routine to boost blood circulation, prevent inflammation and infection, and help the muscle and skin tissues mend faster to minimize the risk of wound site injury.

Eat well and increase hydration – The body needs a balance of electrolytes, nutrients, vitamins, and fluids to function. Patients can resume their normal diets soon as they go home. However, some caution is advised due to the delicate and sensitive nature of the stomach/abdomen after surgery.

Patients should consume soft, bland foods and clear, non-carbonated fluids for the first 24 to 48 hours home before gradually reintroducing solid and more flavorful foods. They should follow all dietary recommendations provided by their surgeon as well.

Discuss all concerns with the surgeon – You’ll need to attend follow-up medical appointments to have your healing and recovery monitored to ensure no complications arise. During these appointments, expect to have your vitals taken and answer questions about your health and comfort, and undergo a visual inspection of the wound site. If necessary, precautionary recommendations may be provided.

Keep it light, avoid heavy items – Lifting items over 10 to 15 pounds during the first few days after gallbladder surgery is a no-no. The treatment area will be sore and tender for some time, and the added stress and weight of carrying items to your body weight can weaken and damage the surgical wound.

There’s a serious risk of your stitches breaking open, which can cause the wound to become exposed to germs and dirt and increase the risk of infection and complications. Some issues can cause the stomach to remain swollen, and most patients describe this as a tight, uncomfortable bloated feeling that comes and goes or lingers.

Take all prescribed medications as directed – Recovering from gallbladder surgery is no light feat. And whether performed utilizing conventional, laparoscopic, and minimally invasive practices or a robotic-assisted surgical system, there is some pain and discomfort involved during recovery.

Patients can minimize their discomfort and hasten their recovery by sticking to their medication schedules. Missed doses only prolong pain and discomfort, increase stress, and can negatively impact patient outcomes. Patients with pain management concerns should inform their surgeon to ensure their care needs are met.

Pain increases stress, a known reaction that dampens the body’s immunity and repair functions. Stress is also associated with poor eating habits and low moods and activity levels which can also trigger prolonged stomach bloating or swelling and infection of the gallbladder surgery site.

Use a gentle laxative to keep things moving – Surgery disrupts the function of bowels, and the effects of surgical and prescription medications make things sluggish. Patients should increase fluid and fiber intake and walk and stay active to maintain the ability to pass stool easily. Dehydration after surgery can lead to hard stools, hemorrhoids, flatulence, bloating, and constipation.


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